Tropo to south

With the Azores high pressure system (finally!) building, it wasn’t a complete surprise to get a little tropo to the south this morning: This had also been implied by the Hepburn and F5LEN forecasts (note, links will show current forecasts, not necessarily that of 24th June 2013).

A quick check showed ED1ZAG/B (IN53re, 973km) to be a solid 559. I could hear another beacon slightly off frequency, keying a little faster, and this turned out to be CS3BTM/B (IM12or, 2246km) on Madeira Island, also a good signal.

I made a short recording, starting in an SSB bandwidth with both beacons (ED1ZAG is the higher-pitched signal), and then switching to a 500Hz and finally a 100Hz CW filter with just CS3BTM:

This morning, CS3BTM’s keying frequency was exactly 966Hz lower than ED1ZAG’s. I reckon ED1ZAG’s carrier was very close to 144.403MHz, which would put CS3BTM very close to 144.402MHz. I think both beacons do drift a little, but it’s a useful reference.

A little later, I had a nice SSB contact with Agustin, EA1YV, at his home qth (IN52oc, 1094km) but that’s it as far as humans go, so far!


Although conditions seemed to have gone down by 09:30z (CS3BTM had faded completely), I tried a test with Domingo, EA8TJ (IL18rj, 2707km) on JT65A, with the following result:

094800 3 -24 -0.7 -242 3 # EI3KD EA8TJ IL18 OOO 0 10
095000 10 -23 -238 2 RRR
095200 5 -28 -241 3 73

So thanks to Domingo for our first QSO of 2013!

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