HF Station

Please note, I never operate anything other than SSB, CW or FT8 on the non-WARC HF bands. I never sign /QRP (actually, no-one should, it’s not a valid suffix in anyone’s licence), and I do not operate on any WARC band – please check you have the call correct if you believe you are working EI3KD under those circumstances.

As a member of the East Cork Radio Group, EI7M, I’m fortunate to be able to use the HF station that we’ve been building up over the last few years, outside of contests. This is independent of my own equipment for 40MHz+, which is co-sited. I’ve included pictures of some of the antennas we have available, below:

160/80m vertical

160/80m switched vertical, view towards the north-west

3el 40m full-size

3el 40m full-size and OB7-3 (20/15/10m), tower retracted.

Rotating tower

Rotating tower carrying OB2-40 (40m), 3 x OB11-3 (20/15/10m, stackmatched), 6el LFA2 (6m)

One thought on “HF Station

  1. F1AKK_Oli

    Congrats for super station !

    You are rocking on HF as in 2M.

    Ireland is wonderfull place!

    See you once there

    73s, Oli


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