Category Archives: Uncategorized

New QSL card

My new QSL cards have arrived from Cool QSL, who I have no hesitation recommending if you need good quality cards at a very reasonable price!


The front picture is one I photographed recently on Skellig Michael, over on the west coast of Ireland. OK, it’s not my actual QTH, but I chose it to show how beautiful much of Ireland is 🙂

I’ve started replying to cards I’ve received directly, then will move on to the bundles from the bureau. Hopefully it won’t take too long to catch up with everyone!


Blog created!

Ok, I’ve decided to create my own blog rather than use Google’s blogger, or suchlike.

Why? Well, I suppose it’s mainly because I fancy learning a little about WordPress, but also because I’m hoping that such a site will support some useful (in ham radio terms) features – things like log searches, etc.

Time will tell, firstly how user friendly WordPress is, and secondly how motivated I can be to keep it updated!

Regards, Mark ‘3KD