Possibly the last 144MHz Es of 2013?

It was a nice surprise, in amongst the Perseids meteor scatter activity, to get a good Sporadic E opening on 2m today. It’s quite late in the season but it’s happened before around the Perseids shower, perhaps adding to the evidence for at least a partial link between meteoric input and Es?

The opening started here at approximately 18:21z to EA3s in JN00 and JN01, slowly moving towards EA5s in IM98 and IM99. The last signal heard here was at 19:10z, so 2m was open for about fifty minutes. The same Es patch also provided a perpendicular path from (e.g.) ON/PA/DL to CT and then on to EA8 via a tropo extension – some very nice distances were worked!

My log was as follows:

13/08/2013 18:21 EA3DBJ JN00IR 1419km
13/08/2013 18:33 EA3HJT JN01NI 1373km
13/08/2013 18:37 EA3GP JN01SF 1401km
13/08/2013 18:39 EA3AXV JN01TJ 1389km
13/08/2013 18:42 EA3EVL JN00HR 1416km
13/08/2013 18:57 EA5GPC IM98WN 1613km
13/08/2013 19:00 EA5EF IM99SM 1503km

As usual, here’s a selection of signals heard during the opening:

…and the map of QSOs made:

2m Es QSOs from EI3KD 13/08/13

2m Es QSOs from EI3KD 13/08/13


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